Factory Details :
To Feed our weaving industry, Russel Spinning Mills Limited was established in the year 2001 equipped with machineries mainly from Europe , having a capacity of 46,000+26832 spindles for producing 100% cotton yarn ranging from 30 ~ 80 count both carded and combed. At the beginning of this year ,we have expanded our project by setting up 2 rotor of 384 unit and producing 20 count yarn.
100% cotton yarn
Man Power : 1000
Production Capacity:
600,000 lbs/month average
Office & Factory
Sagufta De’ Laurel, 11th Floor, 1/2 B Kamalapur Bazar Road,
Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. - Tel: +88-02-7125701, 9559408, 9556435
- Fax: +88-02-7125360
- Email: rsmlskb007@gmail.com
Contact Person
T.M. Saiful Islam
General Manager
- Cell: +8801777797996

Factory Details :
Tania Cotton Mills LTD incorporated as a 100% export oriented private limited company envisages to produce 100% cotton Ring Spun Yarn mainly suitable for export oriented knit and woven garments industry.
Product : Main product of the project is 100% cotton carded yarn of different count. The entire production will be consumed in the export oriented Knit and Woven textile industries for producing knit fabric, T-shirt etc.
Source of RAW materials : The main RAW materials of the project are cotton. The annual requirement of cotton will be 10274 Metric Tons. 100% of annual requirement has been imported from foreign source.
Capability : Tania Cotton Mills Limited has aimed to produce spin Ne20/1 to Ne80/1 count of yarn. The project has been planned to be 42432 spindles along with necessary preparatory and finishing machinery.
Operation Time : The entire project envisages to be operating in three (3) shifts on every working day with 330 working days in a year.
Production Capacity : Annual attainable capacity(kg) based on 03 shift operation of 08 hours per day and 330 working days in a year . Type of yarn Ne30/1 Card Ring Spun Yarn. Annual attainable capacity (kg) 9073659
Office & Factory
Corporate Office : Sagufta De’ Laurel, 11th Floor, 1/2 B Kamalapur Bazar Road,
Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. - Factory Address : Mouza; Dhamsur, Mamarishpur, Valuka,Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- Head Office : Osman Tower, 56/1, S.M Maleh Road , Narayanganj, Dhaka.
Contact Person
T.M. Saiful Islam
General Manager
- Cell: +8801777797996

Factory Details :
Nurul Islam Spinning Mills Ltd. :
Location : Gazipur, Dhaka
Production Capacity : 41,328 Spindle in Spinning 82 Machine
384 Spindle in 2 Rotor Machine
TOTAL : 41,712 Spindle/Month
Office & Factory
Sagufta De’ Laurel, 11th Floor, 1/2 B Kamalapur Bazar Road,
Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. - Tel: 88-02-58317458-59-60-63
- Fax: +88-02-7630683
- info.rg@osmangroupbd.com
Contact Person
T.M. Saiful Islam
General Manager
- Cell: +8801777797996