Factory Details:
Nurul Islam Spinning Mills Ltd is corporated as an export oriented private limited company envisages to produce mainly Cotton Ring Spun Yarn mainly suitable for export oriented knit and woven garments industry.
Product: Main product of this project is mainly cotton combed /compact yarn of different count. The entire production will be consumed in the export oriented Knit and Woven textile industries for producing knit fabric, woven fabric, sweater yarn etc.
Source of Raw Materials: The main raw materials of this project is cotton. The annual requirement of raw cotton is 5,140 Metric Tons. And 100% of annual requirement is imported from foreign source .Basically USA PIMA is the main raw source.
Capacity: Nurul Islam Spinning Mills Ltd has aimed to produce spin Ne20/1 to Ne100/1 count of yarn. The project has been planned to be 49,392 spindles along with necessary preparatory and finishing machinery.
Operation Time & Man Power: The entire project envisages is operating in three (3) shifts on every working day with 330 working days in a year and 600 persons are working here all through the year.
Production Capacity: Annual attainable capacity (lbs.) based on 03 shift operation of 08 hours per day and 330 working days in a year. Type of yarn Ne30/1 combed / compact, ring spun yarn. Annual attainable capacity is 90, 00,000 Lbs.
Machinery Details:
- Blow Room: 1set (origin -China)
- Carding: 20 Sets (origin -China)
- Drawing : 8 Sets (origin-China & Germany) & 2 Sets (Origin –Swiss)
- Simplex : 07 Nos (origin -China)
- Ring: 98 (Origin -China)
- Auto Coner : 4 sets (origin -Germany) & 5 sets (Origin- Japan)
- Rotor: 08 (origin -China)
Lab Equipment: Lab’s related all Equipments are imported from India & Germany.
Boiler: 01 Set
Production Capacity: 25,000 / Lbs. in 49,392 Spindle per Day.
Power : Captive, Generator: 2050 kw & Electricity: 2000 kw
Certificate: BCI Certificate Holder; BCP Number: 1014393-1
Head Office: Osman Tower, 56/1, S.M Maleh Road, Narayanganj, Dhaka.
Corporate Office: Sagufta De’Laurel, 11th Floor, ½, A B C
Kamlapur Bazar Road, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.
Tel: +88-02-58317458-60, 58317463
Factory Address: Muradpur, Kaliakair 1703, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Contact Details:
Major Syed Rafiqul Islam Bir Protik (Retd.)
Executive Director
Cell: 01701206337, 01714360362
Mr. Monoar Hossain
Head of Procurement
Cell: 01777797940, 01711280894
E-mail Id: monoar@osmangroupbd.com
Mr. Rezaul Karim,
Deputy General Manager(Production)
Cell: 01777797999
E-Mail: nisml.fct@osmangroupbd.com